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Celebrating synergies and collaborations between research and industry - the Cluster HUB

Celebrating synergies and collaborations between research and industry - the Cluster HUB

Back in 2022, the clustering workshop “Production of Raw Material for Batteries from European Sources” led to what we hope will be long-lasting synergies and collaborations between research and indust...

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Leaching Modell: RELiEF coordinator ABEE presents their work at ELLIS summer school

Leaching Modell: RELiEF coordinator ABEE presents their work at ELLIS summer school

The ELLIS summer school on Collaborative and Generative AI (CoGenAI), hosted by the ELLIS Unit Helsinki and co-organized by ELISE, took place at Aalto University in Finland from July 1st to 5th 2024.

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RELiEF partner ZSW present at electrochemical conference in Italy: “Electrochemical energy for a greener and more sustainable future society”.

RELiEF partner ZSW present at electrochemical conference in Italy: “Electrochemical energy for a greener and more sustainable future society”.

Stresa, Italy, June 10th 2024

The 37th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: “Electrochemical energy for a greener and more sustainable future society” took place in St...

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RELiEF partners gather in Finland for raw minerals conference and annual meeting

RELiEF partners gather in Finland for raw minerals conference and annual meeting

Lappeenranta, Finland, 13.06.2024

“It has become clear that the role of raw materials will be crucial, not only today, but as well for the coming years and decades in order for the EU to assert its ...

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Critical Raw Materials Act Adopted: A reflection with our partner Extracthive's CEO, Frédéric Goettmann

Critical Raw Materials Act Adopted: A reflection with our partner Extracthive's CEO, Frédéric Goettmann

1. Could you please discuss the main challenges and opportunities of the European Critical Raw Materials Act from your perspective?

The adoption of the European Critical Raw Materials Act is, in...

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BEPA and European Commission publish Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

BEPA and European Commission publish Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

The BEPA/BATT4EU (Battery European Partnership Association), co-authored with the European Commission has recently published its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. The agenda outlines the s...

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Annual Meeting of the Cluster Hub “Production of raw materials for batteries from European resources”

Annual Meeting of the Cluster Hub “Production of raw materials for batteries from European resources”

On Thursday, 16 November, during the 2023 edition of the Raw Materials Week, the twelve EU funded projects that constitute the Cluster Hub ‘Materials for batteries’ gathered for their annual event...

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RELiEF progress meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

RELiEF progress meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

On the 29th and 30th of June, the RELiEF consortium met in Lisbon, Portugal for the first RELiEF General Assembly. This was the opportunity to meet again with the partners of this exciting project, wh...

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RELiEF at EU Raw Materials Week

RELiEF at EU Raw Materials Week

On 14th of November, Gabriel Hidalgo Gutierrez from Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE), coordinator of the RELiEF project, had the opportunity to present the goals and challenges of the projec...

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Official Kick-off meeting in Belgium: the RELiEF consortium meets in person for the first time

Official Kick-off meeting in Belgium: the RELiEF consortium meets in person for the first time

After a virtual kick-off meeting in July, the RELiEF consortium had the chance to participate in its official Kick-Off Meeting at the locations of the coordinator Avesta Battery and Engineering (ABEE)...

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New Project “RELIEF”

New Project “RELIEF”

Innovative Recycling: EU Research Project RELiEF Kicks Off to Give New Life to Previously Unrecovered Lithium in Batteries

By setting up an integrated recycling facility, the consortium of 13 inter...

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